Returns for another packed weekend in Aberystwyth
Friday 7 - Sunday 9 October 2022
TICKET HOLDERS – book a free place for National Library visit at bottom of this page
Welcome to the Eye International photography Festival for 2022. After a strange few years for all of us it’s wonderful to return to some sort of normality.
It seems strange for me to be named as one of the speakers but due to Covid my exhibition has been moved and moved again and again until it found itself in The Eye Festival timescale. It made sense to talk about the work so I hope you don’t mind.
I am excited to be bringing a special guest along on the Friday night so you get 2 for 1. Keep an eye out for news on that.
The other speakers are all up to our usual high standard with a special talk via zoom from California. Matt Black of Magnum has been one of the foremost documentary photographers in the world and after successful zoom talks at the 2021 Festival I had no hesitation in inviting Matt.
I think we have a fantastic and eclectic mix from fashion to hard news and everything in between that will give you something different with every talk. Also look out for exhibitions at FfotoNewport and The Workers Gallery, Ynyshir, Porth.
Continue to have a safe 2022 and hope we see you on 7th October.
We cannot do it without you.
Glenn Edwards, EYE Festival Director
THE EYE 2022 Schedule
Select a day. Talks are 1 hour + 15 minute Q&A
7pm - 8.15pm Glenn Edwards
10am - 11.15am Violeta Sofia
11.30am - 12.45pm Melanie Friend
12.45 - 5pm Various activities - see bottom of this page
5pm - 6.15pm Matt Black via Zoom from California
7.15pm Film - Shooting Holy Land Josef Koudelka
10am - 11.15am Jeremy Sutton Hibbert
11.30am - 12.45pm Anita Corbin
12.45pm - 2pm Lunch
2pm - 3.15pm Andrew Testa
3.15 - 3.45pm Forum with remaining speakers
4pm Final thank you's
4.30pm Festival Close
Film: Koudelka Shooting Holy Land
Saturday evening (7.15pm) we have the documentary film Koudelka Shooting Holy Land by Gilad Baram. (2015, 72 mins).
Czech Photographer Josef Koudelka grew up behind the Iron Curtain and always wanted to know “what was on the other side”. Forty years after capturing the iconic images of the Soviet invasion of Prague in 1968, the legendary Magnum photographer arrives in Israel and Palestine. On first seeing the nine-meter-high wall built by Israel in the West Bank, Koudelka is deeply shaken and embarks on a four-year project in the region which will confront him once again with the harsh reality of violence and conflict. Director Gilad Baram, Koudelka’s assistant at the time, follows him on his journey through the Holy Land from one enigmatic and visually spectacular location to another. In each location – soon to become a new “Koudelka photo” – a new scene unfolds, gradually introducing us to Koudelka’s method of working and his perception of the world he is documenting as well as the people he encounters. A fascinating dialogue emerges between Baram’s cinematography and Koudelka’s still photographs, as Baram places the photographer in his own breathtaking compositions.
Lunchtime Activities - Saturday 8th October 2022
Unique access for EYE Festival ticket holders to view a curated selection of photographs from the National Collection. Small groups will be organised to have access at defined time slots - EYE 22 ticket holders should complete the Booking Form at the bottom of this page in advance of the Festival.
An opportunity to find out more about the Cyanotype process and make your own prints, learn how to tone cyanotypes to other colours using a variety of natural plants.
Hear more about the Ffoton #ffotozine initiative launched earlier this year and timed to coincide with the EYE Festival weekend. Hear guest photographers discuss their photo zines and the background to their work.
National Library of Wales Collection Visit
2022 EYE Festival ticket holders can book a free place to view prints from the Nation Collection at the nearby* National Library of Wales using the form below.
Places are limited and times will be allocated. You will be notified of a place/time by email.
* 12 minute walk from EYE venue to National LIbrary